********************************** Retrieving the Replica Set Details ********************************** The user may retrieve the details of the specific replica sets and also download the data pointed by the replica set as well. The specifics of each of the replica sets as well as a list of the replica sets of the given user can be retrieved through the relevant GET calls. Retrieve A Replica Set ###################### This follows the format of /GET /replicaset/:id **Sample GET request** http://lion.bmi.emory.edu/replicaset/-9176938584709039161 **Sample GET response** If the replica set exists, it would be returned as below. *Collection Names: [TCGA-GBM].* *Patient IDs: [TCGA-06-6701, TCGA-08-0831].* *StudyInstanceUIDs: [].* *SeriesInstanceUIDs: []* If the replica set retrieval failed, it would cause an internal error as below. ** ** *

500 Internal Error

* ** ** Retrieve Replica Sets of the user ################################# This follows the format of /GET /replicasets/:id **Sample GET request** http://lion.bmi.emory.edu/replicasets/12 **Sample GET response** If the user has created replica sets, the IDs of the replica sets would be returned as an array, as below. *[-7466653342708752832, -7059417815353339196, -6908825180316283930, -6365519002970140943]* If he does not have any replica sets created, the lack of replica sets would be indicated. *Replicasets not found for the user: 123*